I am developing this blog to raise awareness of how dark money is damaging the US. It is based primarily on the books Dark Money by Jane Mayer and Kochland by Christopher Leonard. In summary: stealth fascism of the rich radical right is trying to take over our country, they have been making this effort long before Trump & will keep at it no matter what happens to him, they have made real progress towards their goal, and why they must be stopped...hope you keep reading!
Posts of Quotes
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Kochtopus; Lobbying, first efforts; Robert Strauss; Democratic National Committee
In contrast to their idealistic but amateurish approach during the Old Libertarian Party days, with Fink's help the Kochs' methods became decidedly more pragmatic. Facing serious threats to their business, they began playing the Washington political game as aggressively as any other corporation, if not more so. ...After [1989], Koch Industries crossed ideological lines to hire Robert Strauss, the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, who was by then Washington's premier lobbyist. (173-174)