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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Koch Industries, political contributions 1998 to 2008; Charles Koch Charitable Foundation; Koch-PAC

Few outside the rarefied world of far-right, laissez-faire economics noticed, but the Koch's multidimensional political spending kept growing. Between 1998 and 2008, for instance, Charles Koch's private fund, the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, made more than $48 million in tax-deductible grants, primarily to groups promoting his political views. The Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation, which was controlled by Charles and his wife, Liz, along with two company employees and an accountant, similarly made more than $28 million in tax-deductible grants. ... during those years Koch Industries spent more than $50 million on lobbying. Separately, the company's political action committee, Koch-PAC, donated some $8 million to political campaigns, more than 80 per cent of it to Republicans. In addition, the Kochs and other family members spent millions more on personal campaign contributions. (179)