Phil Dubose [was] a Louisianan who had worked for Koch Industries for twenty-seven years before being laid off in 1994...Dubose took the stand and testified what he and other employees called "the Koch Method." As he described it, "They were just mis-measuring crude oil from the Indian reservations as they did all over the U.S....You cheated. If we sold a barge with fifteen hundred barrels, you'd say it was two thousand. It all involved weights and measures, and they had their thumb on the scale. That was the Koch Method.
Dubose contended, "The Kochs never did play by the rules. They had their own playing field. They just didn't abide by anything. Not the EPA or anything else. They constantly polluted. If they got fined, it didn't matter, because they made so much money doing it. We never reported things like busted pipeline out in the field. Otherwise, we'd get fined. When we spilled oil, we never reported the real amount. We were told to do that, to keep our costs down. The Kochs expected us to lie and cover it up," he said.
On December 23, 1999, it found Koch Industries guilty of making 24,587 false claims to the government....In the end, Koch Industries settled Bill Koch's whistle-blower suit for $25 million. (167-168)